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5 minutes with Shane Watson, your finance and mortgage broking trainer

Shane Watson mortgage broking trainer Monarch

Shane Watson mortgage broking trainer Monarch

1. Why do you love finance and mortgage broking?

You can really help people. There’s nothing better than working out a finance solution for a client to get them into a home. It really puts a smile on their face (and yours!).

2. Your best tip for staying motivated when studying?

Break up the course work into small manageable chunks – don’t leave the assignments to do in one big session. A weekly checklist is a good idea so you can see how you are going – it will really help with your motivation. Remember your goal – at the end of the course there is a formal qualification that you’ll have for life.

3. Advice for students wanting to get into a finance and mortgage broking role?

Look for work as a commission only contractor for one of the big broker groups or the builder finance companies. Then build on your career from there.

4. The craziest place you’ve worked in your career?

The craziest place I have worked was doing a finance presentation in Hong Kong to a room full of Hong Kong, Macau and mainland Chinese people. I had to have 2 interpreters beside me. I would talk for about one minute, then my Cantonese interpreter would talk followed by the Mandarin interpreter. When someone asked a question, it needed to be translated into English for me. I would respond with my answer, then the interpreters would translate back into the other languages. Suffice to say, it was a long but memorable presentation!

Interested in a career in finance and mortgage broking? Read more about our courses and why students love our trainer support.

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