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How to choose the right course

Studying online offers you a host of benefits if you’re looking to advance your career. It’s a powerful tool for aiming for a promotion, allowing you to acquire new skills and knowledge while showing your commitment to personal and professional growth.

Online learning can significantly increase your earning potential. By obtaining new qualifications and certifications, you become eligible for higher-paying positions or can negotiate better salaries, providing financial stability and a sense of achievement.

Another reason to start online studies is to formalise your existing skills. You may possess valuable expertise gained through work experience or informal learning, but lack formal recognition. Online courses offer you an opportunity to gain recognised qualifications, validating your skills and enhancing your marketability.

So when it comes to choosing a provider, make sure you know what to look for.

Which qualification is the one that will really help you get ahead? and which provider is best? In this article we help you understand what matters most when choosing a learning partner.

Why are you upskilling?

The most important consideration when choosing your course is asking yourself why you are looking to study. It may be to get a head start after leaving school, or you may be moving careers and this is the first port of call. Understand why you want to take the course. Are you looking to acquire a specific skill, advance in your career, explore a new field, or pursue personal interests? Clarifying your objectives will guide you in selecting the most suitable course.

Consider reviews and what’s included in your fee

Research, research and then research again when it comes to the provider of your qualification. Read reviews from past students, understand what you’ll get when you pay your course fee, and make sure you know what level of trainer support you’ll be getting.

Check accreditation and credentials

If you’re seeking a course for professional development or certification purposes, ensure it’s offered by a reputable institution or organisation. Accreditation and the credentials of trainers or institutions can impact the value of the course. In Australia, our govering body is ASQA, so check them out to ensure the course aligns with their education framework.

Consider your learning style

Reflect on how you learn best—whether through video lectures, interactive quizzes, reading materials, or hands-on projects. Choose a course format that matches your preferred learning style to enhance engagement and comprehension.

Assess prerequisites and difficulty level

Determine whether the course has any prerequisites, such as prior knowledge or skills required for enrollment. Additionally, evaluate the course’s difficulty level to ensure it aligns with your current proficiency level and learning pace.

Where will it lead?

Read up on the employment projections of that industry – the more you understand, the more likely you are to make an informed decision. Does the industry have a demand for workers? Or is it declining? What type of salary can you expect?

Make sure it works for you

Juggling kids and a job? Working in a part time job and looking for a new career? Make sure you find a course that suits the way the want to learn, and fits in with your lifestyle. If you don’t want to cut back on your work hours, a self-paced online course that you can schedule around work may be the best fit. Choose a course that suits how you prefer to learn (eg: in a classroom, via videos, on your phone) and also how quickly you want to finish (eg: part-time, full-time, self-paced).

No experience? There are options.

If you’ve recently finished or left school, or entering the workforce for the first time, you won’t have any experience or pre-requisites under your belt. But it’s ok, you gotta start somewhere. The good news is there are plenty of courses available for those of us with no experience in jobs or study. It just depends on what you want to do.

There are many nationally recognised courses with no pre-requisites that will give you the confidence and the qualifications you need to get the job you want. Start by having a think about what you want to do, then speak to your training organisation to get more advice.

Need more advice on which course may suit you? Speak to Course Consultant on 1300 738 955 or check out our courses here.

Any questions? Ask away!