Launch Successful
Monarch launched a new online assessment tool for students.
The student feedback has been overwhelming, instant and very positive – a fantastic result for all staff that worked hard on getting it ‘right’ first time around. The main student comments have been that the new tool is intuitive, easy to use and ultra-efficient. Monarch spent over 12 months working on the project, initially with the focus on providing an industry-leading solution for online/distance students only.
However, the positive feedback has meant Monarch has now integrated the technology into its workshops so that students have access to the online assessment tool using wi-fi in the training rooms. Â Director of Academic Studies, Dr David Wilson commented that students love the instant feedback they receive when completing the online multiple choice question assessments. Students login via the Monarch homepage.
“It means that trainers and assessors in both workshops and online courses can spend more time teaching and helping students, rather than ticking boxes. Everyone is happy, staff included”, Dr Wilson said.
For more information on studying with Monarch Institute contact one of our friendly course consultants on 1300 738 555.