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Bookkeeper vs accountant: what’s the difference?
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RG146 specific Online Insurance courses
When talking about life insurance it's certainly not one-size fits all. Whoever said, ‘the more things change, the more they stay the same’, was dead wrong when it comes to life insurance.
2 min readASIC have changes in store for Accountants.
Accountants specialise in providing tax advice and managing their client's tax obligations with the ATO.
2 min readJune 30th is a nightmare in financial planning
Forget the winter football fever, the big challenge facing financial advisers is how to legally help their clients reduce their tax bill before the financial year.
2 min readIs money the best motivator?
When trying to motivate staff, many managers think “reward” and automatically jump to “money” alone. But though money can rent loyalty, it can’t buy it.
1 min readStudying online – the new normal
Things are moving quickly in the education space, and Monarch not surprisingly has chosen to be a forerunner.
1 min readNew horizons
As a specialist financial services training provider, we often get asked about programs sponsored by companies working within the financial planing industry.
2 min readAssociation of Financial Advisers (AFA)
When entering a new industry like financial planning, it is important to ask as many questions and to gain as much valuable wisdom from successful professionals.
1 min readThe social media revolution in financial services
Social media programs are being launched by large financial planning dealer groups to help improve the engagement of financial planners with their clients and the community.
1 min readOur Superannuation course materials are …. super!
Being RG146 accredited in superannuation (either being able to provide personal and/or general advice) is a pre-requisite to working in most job roles in superannuation.
2 min readRun your own business and start growing a nest egg
Apparently there has been a significant increase in financial planners over the last 3 months who have chosen to list their practice for sale with specialist brokers.
3 min readRoads merging ahead
The inevitable consolidation between accounting practices and financial planning practices is not a new concept.
2 min readInsurance providers claw back more commissions
The 'modern' financial planning industry now only allows commission to be paid to financial advisers on the sale of life insurance products.
2 min readNew online assessment tool gets a big tick
Monarch recently launched a new online assessment tool for students.
1 min readSuperannuation no longer sacred
The only certainty in life - death and taxes won't change anytime soon.
2 min read‘Bad adviser behaviour’ is back in the headlines
Most natural disasters – which you can confidently categorise the Storm financial debacle fitting snuggly into, run a routine path.
2 min read