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The Future Of Online Learning

Online learning

Gone are the days when ‘education’ only meant ‘sitting in a classroom or lecture theatre in front of a teacher’. Today, students also can decide how they want to study.

Online learning is one of the greatest revolutions in modern education, and it’s not difficult to see why over 100,000 Australian students are choosing to study online. Thanks to technology, students can be thousands of kilometres away from their teacher or trainer. They can switch from video lectures to text to multimedia demos in seconds. And they can still get in touch with their trainers and other students when they need.


New technologies including online learning platforms including Moodle, Blackboard and Canvas are now standard at Universities, TAFE’s and Registered Training Organisations. They provide a significant efficiency dividend for both student and provider. With a computer and internet access, students can now learn from the comfort of their couch. And educators benefit too. It allows education solutions to people living outside major cities via virtual classes removing geographic limitations.

The landscape has already changed with offerings such as MOOCs (massive open online courses) and HBX CORe (the Harvard Business School platform). These educational products that are created once and delivered many times over a wide geographic area.

New designs

The way students learn online now means they are never alone. Courses are designed so that they are regularly engaging with the trainer, providing assessments via video presentations, talking to one another in the Facebook group, and often meeting up in study groups across the country. The way online learning platform are designed allows students to study in their own time, at their own pace, they can work full time, parent young children; it can suit any situation.

– Nick Chapman, Monarch Institute CEO


If you’re considering returning to study or advancing your career by upskilling, get in touch with Monarch Institute today on 1300 738 955 or [email protected].


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