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All Articles / Information Technology

What is Information Technology?

Information Technology or IT as it’s more commonly known, is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Almost every business relies on computers and other technical devices to help them operate. Plus most people have at least some form of technology they use regularly.

But what exactly is information technology? And how can you find out if it’s the right career option for you?
Information Technology is the use of hardware, software, services, and supporting infrastructure to manage and deliver information.

IT is the processing, transmitting and storage of information. But more than that, many businesses use technology to be more efficient about how they do things. IT often lets them improve the products and services they provide to their customers. And how they provide them.

In Australia the Information Technology (IT) industry is booming. Because demand for IT services is so strong, this has a flow on effect meaning demand for employees with IT skills is also strong.

With businesses rapidly moving to remote working practices, there was a surge in demand for programmers and technicians to facilitate the change.

But with it also came an increased risk of businesses being targeted by cyber criminals. And so the demand for cyber experts and security specialists is also high.

Is the IT industry for you?

Working in the IT industry isn’t for everyone. It takes certain attributes and skills to be able to meet the needs of an IT job. But you may also be surprised at the variety of roles and how broad the industry has become.

With new technologies being developed constantly, the industry can never be called boring. It’s ever changing and growing, to meet the changing needs of business and people. New technologies bring exciting new opportunities.

Let’s take a look at the types of jobs you might find in the IT industry, as well as potential salaries and what study options you have to secure a position in the sector.

Why study information technology?

Information technology is thriving. And this includes the demand for workers with IT skills. Once you gain some qualifications in IT your job prospects are very high.

But even better, once you get experience in the workplace, the opportunities for growth, further skill development and promotion are extensive.

Almost all sectors need IT professionals in some capacity. So that means the options for the type of industry you work in are almost limitless. From education to healthcare and banking to creative arts, there’s bound to be a business that interests you.

A qualification in IT can provide you with the skills to solve, support, troubleshoot or design. It can include everything from websites, software and applications to programming networks and data analysis. Finding a course that gets you job ready will give you a distinct competitive advantage. One that reflects what employers are looking for. Monarch Institute courses are developed to give you that edge.

Courses for the IT industry

Information Technology courses range from certificates to bachelor degrees and postgraduate studies. While a degree suits some, it often isn’t the first choice for many wanting to dip their toe in the industry. That’s why many turn to alternatives that give them the credentials they need without the commitment, cost and stresses of a full bachelor degree.

For many a Certificate IV in Information Technology or a Diploma of Information Technology is the ideal place to gain some formal qualifications in the field.

Both courses mean you’ll be able to start work sooner. But it doesn’t limit you from extending your studies as your career progresses. Often having some time working in the industry, will help you decide if you’d like to specialise in one area of the IT industry. Then you can choose further study to suit.

So it makes sense to get a good grounding with the Certificate IV in Information Technology or Diploma of Information Technology offered by Monarch Institute. Both are designed to get you job ready. But you can also use the courses as a pathway to further studies, when and if you decide the time is right for you.

Monarch Institute develops their courses to specifically give you the skills employers are looking for. Plus they provide you with:

  • Flexibility of supported, online study
  • Nationally recognised courses under the Australian Qualifications Framework
  • Personalised guidance throughout your course from trainers with industry experience

The Certificate IV in Information Technology focuses on different aspects of web development and programming. Job options in these areas are diverse, interesting and rewarding.

The Diploma of Information Technology is more comprehensive, covering everything from programming to user experience.

What roles can you do with an information technology qualification?

Jobs available in the IT sector are broad. There are some emerging and growing areas providing exciting new opportunities including:

  • Cyber security
  • Cloud computing
  • Mobile programming
  • Network security
  • App and online development

Jobs in the Information Technology sector take many forms these days. The variety and types of jobs is extensive. Below are some of the jobs available in the industry:

  • Hardware engineers
  • Computer system analyst
  • Software developer
  • Programmer
  • Web developer
  • Network engineer
  • Software tester
  • User experience (UX) designer
  • Security engineer
  • Data scientist and data analyst

What skills and do I need for information technology?

Jobs in information technology can be interesting, rewarding, and lucrative, so if you possess the right skills a career in IT could be right for you.

While it’s important to have the technical skills needed for the specific job, you shouldn’t underestimate the importance of being able to demonstrate the desirable soft skills. More and more, this is becoming a priority in the IT sector.

Soft skills for the IT sector

Soft skills refer to how you go about your work. They are the interpersonal attributes needed to work with others. Soft skills factor in your behaviours, attributes and personality traits.

Below are some of the soft skills many IT recruiters are looking for:


The technology space has always been relatively fast moving, but throw in a global pandemic and change has never been so rapid . Being adaptable is essential so your organisation can keep up.

Communication skills

Most IT jobs will need you to work with different people and teams. Communicating with colleagues and being able to explain and articulate technical speak is important.

Teamwork and collaboration

Part of most IT jobs involves working within teams and collaborating with peers to fulfill project outcomes.

Time management

Most IT professionals face competing demands. You may be working on multiple projects with a range of people, so you’ll need to effectively manage your time. You’ll also need to know how long certain projects and processes will take.

Project management

Many IT professionals will need to manage projects well. This often means being able to be self-directed and self-motivated. Planning skills are helpful too.
The good news is, all of these skills can be acquired, learnt and developed. Remember to nurture these skills as well as your technical ones as you progress in your career path.

Career progression

If you’re looking to advance your career, it’s important to know what skills are in demand. If you’re thinking of formal qualifications, look for courses that keep up with industry trends. Know how your skills and the skills you want to obtain fit into the bigger picture. That way you’ll be in the position to secure a job that’s both suitable and rewarding.

What salary can I expect in the IT industry?

According to Hays Technology Salary Guide FY23, salaries for positions in the IT industry have been rising and are expected to continue to rise. This is especially true for high demand areas of the industry.

Some examples of salaries for technology jobs are:

IT PositionTypical salary (approx.)
IT Support$61,000 – $80,000
Web developer$75,000 – $95,000
System Administrator/Engineer$85,000
Infrastructure Manager$140,000 – $190,000
Cloud Engineer$130,000
Data Engineer$120,000 – $140,000
Data architect$165,000 – $185,000
Source: Seek

Plus there’s plenty of scope for higher salaries as you enter into leadership, change management and specialist positions.

It’s important to remember though that existing IT professionals actually rate career progression as more important than salary. So being in a position that allows you to increase your skills, contribute to the business and help the business grow is rewarding.

Information technology courses with real outcomes

Monarch’s Information Technology courses are designed to give you the specific skills IT employers are looking for. Both the Certificate IV in Information Technology and the Diploma of Information Technology give you the ideal combination of practical project-based learning, with the all-round knowledge you’ll need as an IT professional.

Chat to a Course Consultant about your study options today on 1300 738 955.

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