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Certificate IV in Project Management Practice


  • Learn formal project management techniques (plus expert insights)
  • Get the satisfaction of leading project teams to clear wins
  • Open up a world of opportunities across multiple industries
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Duration 12 - 24 months
How it works Study online. With a difference.
Price $3,150 | $145.38 per week (payment plan)
Career opportunities Assistant Project Manager | Project Administrator
Course topics Four modules
Units 9 units of competency | Nationally recognised
Course trainers Industry experts and thought leaders.
Pathways University courses and professional certifications
Entry requirements No formal prerequisites | RPL available | Some equipment needed
Assessments Multiple small assessments | Workplace scenarios | No exams
Start date Immediately, or whenever you’re ready.
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Payment Options There are two ways you can pay for your course...

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Key Benefits

Built for the real world

Start picking up skills and best-practice tips you can use in your work from day one.

Show employers you’re ready to step up

A Certificate IV qualification is a great way to show employers you’re serious about fulfilling your potential – and that you’ve got the skills they want in a project manager. 

Practical, hands on learning

The course is designed to equip students with practical skills they can apply immediately in the workplace. Students learn how to manage projects, including developing project plans, monitoring and controlling project progress, managing resources, and handling risks. This makes it highly relevant for individuals aiming to work as project managers or team leaders.

Nationally recognised

The Certificate IV in Project Management Practice is nationally recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework. This means you may be able to use it as a pathway to a Diploma of Project Management or uni. You’ll have to check with the institution of your choice regarding admission pathways before you enrol with us.

Course Accreditation

Course modules

Module 1

Setting up for success

Module 2

Making the most of your resources

Module 3

Focusing on the goals

Module 4

Optimising your results


Course Assessments

Course assessments

The experts who design and deliver our courses (click back to Course trainers to meet some of them) have developed an assessment framework that’s uniquely designed to help you gain a deep understanding of the material. They’ll give you the kind of knowledge and skills you can use in the real world as a business operator or manager. Assessment formats include:

Career Opportunities

Project management is a skill set that spans just about any industry you may want to pursue. It’s not just for fields that are centred on project work, like construction, marketing, or event planning. Professional project managers work anywhere that needs digital upgrades and transformations, product/service development, sustainability initiatives, big restructures, and more. By learning core project management techniques, you’re opening up a world of opportunities beyond what you might have seen for yourself.

The opportunities include:

To specialise in a particular type of project management, you may need to complete further training. The Diploma of Project Management from Monarch Institute will give you a solid foundation for pursuing the next step in your education.


The Diploma of Project Management is a great qualification on its own.

The Monarch Institute Diploma of Project Management has specifically been designed to ensure you’re job ready. You can also build on the skills and knowledge areas you cover in your Diploma, through professional certification courses. Interested in the science behind efficient project management? You could pursue a Bachelor of Applied Science (Project Management, or Construction Management) at university.

It’s best to check with the university of your choice about pathways, credit transfer and other points required before you enrol with us.

Entry requirements

Course prerequisites

There aren’t any formal prerequisites. But to make sure you get the most out of training with us, the following enrolment process applies:

What equipment will I need?

You will need access to the following equipment to successfully complete the course:

Am I eligible for recognition of prior learning (RPL) or credit transfer (CT)?

We may be able to take into account relevant knowledge and skills you’ve gained through previous formal or informal training, education and employment. To find out more, refer to our Student Information Handbook by clicking here, or get in touch with one of our friendly Course Consultants.

Course Topics

Module 1

Setting up for success

Module 2

Making the most of your resources

Module 3

Focusing on the goals

Module 4

Optimising your results

Course Duration

This course is designed to be completed within 12 – 24 months .

There is no minimum timeframe to complete this course. Students who are highly motivated and well organised can complete the full course at an accelerated pace.

The key factors that influence course completion are a student’s experience, time availability, how fast they work and how committed they are!

How it works

More than online

You’ll get:

How does it work?

This course has been developed to give you absolute flexibility. Study on your couch, on public transport, on your break at work, out in the park – wherever and whenever you like. The best part is, with Monarch Institute, ‘online’ doesn’t mean ‘alone’. You’ll be backed by our trainers at every step along the way.

What support will I get?

Your trainer will be happy to contact you via phone, video, or email (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5.30pm). So you definitely won’t feel alone. You’ll also have access to our student Facebook groups, so you can discuss the material with other students. It’s a handy way to stay in touch with trainers and others in the same course.

Course Price

Upfront payment


The most cost-effective option. Pay up front and save 20% compared to the total payment plan. Payment options include electronic funds transfer (EFT), credit card (Mastercard or Visa), or cheque.

Payment plan

$145.38 per week, paid over 26 weeks (total $3,780)

This option is suitable for students wanting to manage their cash flow. It’s handy if you want to get started right away, but don’t have the full amount on hand. Payment must be made with MasterCard or Visa.

*Fees and units are subject to change.

Meet your trainers

Industry experts and thought leaders.
Any questions? Ask away!