Australian Company Law

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Australian Company Law

IPA Micro Credential

  • Learn the latest developments in Corporate and Commercial Law, Contract and Consumer Law and Property Law
  • Understand how changes in Business Structures impact accountants
  • Ensure your actions, operations, and practices align with the relevant laws
  • Identify and address legal risks
  • Developed with leading academics and IPA leadership
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Duration 7 Hours
How it works Study online. With a difference.
Price $495
Course topics 6 Modules
Course trainers Industry experts and thought leaders
Entry requirements IPA Membership
Assessments Exam
Start date Immediately or whenever you're ready
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Australian Company Law

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Key Benefits

Course Accreditation


Course Assessments

This course includes an exam at the end that is completed online.

It’s a 45 minute open book exam. You’ll have two attempts and the pass mark is 80%.


Career Opportunities


Entry requirements

This course is for IPA members only.
You will also need access to the following equipment to successfully complete the course:

A laptop or PC with the following minimum specifications

Course Topics

This course is comprised of 6 modules. You need to pass the exam with a 80% pass mark to receive the completion certificate.

Module 1: Overview of Updates to Commercial Law

Module 2: Contract and Consumer Law

Module 3: Property Law

Module 4: Business Structures

Module 5: Compliance and Risk

Module 6: Summary and Summative Assessment

Course Duration

This course offers 7 hours of content. You have access to the learning management system for 12 weeks.

There is no minimum timeframe to complete this course. The key factors that influence course completion are your experience, time availability and how committed you are.

How it works

More than online

You’ll get:

How does it work?

This course has been developed to give you absolute flexibility. Study on your couch, on public transport, on your break at work, out in the park – wherever and whenever you like. The best part is, with Monarch Institute, ‘online’ doesn’t mean ‘alone’. You’ll be backed by our trainers at every step along the way.

What support will I get?

Your trainer will be happy to contact you via phone, Zoom, or email (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5.30pm). So you definitely won’t feel alone. You’ll also have access to our student Facebook groups, so you can discuss the material with other students. It’s a handy way to stay in touch with trainers and others in the same course.

Course Price

This course is $495 +GST and payment is completed at checkout.

Meet your trainers

Industry experts and thought leaders
Michelle Dascal
Michelle Ma
"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."
– Albert Einstein

I currently work in a mid-tier accounting firm as a senior accountant, and love it. I have over 8 years’ experience working as a business service accountant and tax consultant. I look after a portfolio of clients across various industries, and that’s really interesting. Observing different sector dynamics at play is fascinating. My skills include preparing financial statements, preparing tax returns, BAS, budgeting, cash flow analysis and tax consulting.

What makes me jump out of bed each morning?

I’m passionate about eating food. I love to try different cuisines in restaurants, and enjoy cooking as well. The bed time discussion generally starts with, ‘…what are we going to eat tomorrow’?

Learn more about Michelle

John Deininger
"The only choice we can make as a nation is the choice about our future."
- Hon Paul Keating

I am a qualified Chartered Accountant, with a career in financial services, working with both large and small chartered accounting firms, financial services businesses both in Australia and overseas and a mid-tier industry superannuation fund. I’ve worked in a volunteer capacity in the local community; I’m the treasurer of two community organisations.

What makes me jump out of bed each morning?

A bike, kayak, tent and xc skis are my most treasured possessions!

Learn more about John

Ben Dascal
"Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right."
– Henry Ford

I am a qualified financial planner holding a tertiary qualification in financial planning, as well as being a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®). I’ve worked as a financial planner for an Australian bank for over two years. Before that, I worked for over seven years as an associate adviser for another financial planning company.

What makes me jump out of bed each morning?

I enjoy catching up with friends, going for walks with my wife and following the North Melbourne Football Club.

Learn more about Ben

Belinda Marino
“Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid”
-Albert Einstein

I’m a registered BAS agent and Certified Bookkeeper, holding vocational and tertiary qualifications in bookkeeping and accounting, training and assessment, small business management and mechanical engineering. I am a Xero Certified Advisor and Xero Payroll Certified. I’ve had seven years’ experience in the financial services industry, working with businesses over a wide range of industries.

I currently run my own bookkeeping business alongside my role as a trainer here at Monarch Institute. I have a special interest in teaching students with learning difficulties, as two of my children are dyslexic.

What makes me jump out of bed each morning?

I love watching my Monarch students grow their confidence and increase their knowledge.

Learn more about Belinda

Elizabeth McLardy
"Be stronger than your strongest excuse. Be greater than your most negative voice.” – Alan Maiccon

Hello! I’m Liz, a CPA with 13+ years in finance, contributing to ASX 100 companies globally. I’ve trained aspiring accountants for a decade as a CPA program expert. I’m also a committed community leader, serving as a board member and treasurer for nonprofits. Beyond numbers, I’m a gardening enthusiast and nature lover. Family is my core, balancing professional and personal passions.

What gets me out of bed in the morning?

Family is at the heart of everything I do, and I cherish the moments spent with my loved ones.

Learn more about Elizabeth

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